Feng- Shui is the very ancient art of circulating the energy in living space, and it was developed over more than four thousand years ago by the Chinese who understood the laws of the natural elements and believed in the interconnection of man with his environment and with the Cosmos.
The philosophical treaties of Confucius (Gong Fuxi or Master Fusci) and Lao Tseu (the Father of the Tao) mention the importance of Feng-Shui: The old Chinese ideograms “Feng” and “Shui” respectively stand for “wind” and “water” for, like the transmission of energy in Reiki, the circulation of the Cosmic Energy is swift like wind and fluid like water.
We spend almost 80% of our living time in enclosed surroundings where we sleep, eat, work, have fun and even exercise; too often, in our modern societies where the notion of space carries more and more value, we live without any understanding of Oneness and even positive energy. The interconnection with the environment is lost and not surprisingly many suffer from various ailments and diseases due to the impact of negative energy vibrations forced upon the body, the emotions, the mind and the spirit: sleep disorders and insomnia, digestion and elimination problems, lack of vitality and ageing, tiredness and fatigue, depression, irritability and sadness, stress, etc………
How many times have you walked through your house and felt that something just does not feel right? Are the members of the household or workplace attracted to one area but not to other areas? Do plants grow better in some rooms but not others, even though there is the same amount of sunlight? Is the front of your house lively and the rear of the house lacking energy or vice-versa? Do you feel more content in some rooms and quite agitated in other rooms? This is where Feng-Shui is most effective. Move into a space of harmony and balance, by simple techniques of change and placement. Feng-Shui has amazing effects on not only your body, it truly affects the way you view and feel about your everyday life!
In that aspect, Feng-Shui truly is a holistic therapy: a Feng-Shui Master will establish the energetic diagnostic of your surroundings, your house, your working place — restaurants, hotels, gardens, farms, and reorganize the ergonomy and space as well as the distribution of contents (furniture, plants, etc…) so that the Cosmic Energy can freely and positively circulate throughout. Quite often, we will recommend the placement of crystals, the use of different colours, the addition of energy producing green plants and vibrant flowers. All rooms are accessed and ,with the correct use of Feng-Shui , Energy can flow again freely throughout the whole surrounding. All elements will be put back in harmony and energy blocks cleared.
Obviously, the ideal is from the very beginning to plan and build according to Feng-Shui precepts, and to work hand in hand with architects, designers and interior decorators.
The result is not only beautiful and soothing to the eye, but above all therapeutic, for a correct circulation of the energy will ensure:
At home, a better health, physical as well as emotional, (from sleeping patterns to the communication between family members).
At work, a more relaxed atmosphere with less tension, more efficiency and far more productivity, a better image for visitors and clients.
Like Reiki, Feng-Shui can even be utilized to “positively charge” a meeting room, a conference venue, a wedding reception, etc……..