Positive Links

If you remain in my word, you will be my disciple. You will know Truth. Truth will make you free. John Chapt. VII vers. 31-32

DhalaIn this XXIst century when more than ever information is the key of power and hence freedom, the web is an amazing resource for the eclectic Seeker of Truth. Far from becoming a modern slave, take profit of the net as a precious tool to have access to knowledge and exchange your views with those sharing the same ethical values.

Do not hesitate to join the Samasathi School of Esoteric Disciplines! We welcome new Members in our Community of Friends (visit “SSED”) and you will then have privileged access to our Forum and to our Newsletter “ Love Light Energy”.

The following websites are free of negativity : visit them! If you wish to recommend a positive Link or to link your own site to ours, feel free to contact Samasathi.


